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Magic's GM Application

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Magic's GM Application Empty Magic's GM Application

Post  Magic Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:53 am

Name: Luke

Age: 15

Language: English

In game name: Magic

Where do you live? Toronto, Ontario

How active will you be? Sunday 6:00AM to 8:00PM
Saterday 6:00AM to 8:00PM
Monday 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Tuesday 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Wednesday 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Thursday 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Friday 4:00PM to 10:00PM

How would you handle a hacker? Well, it would depend on what he was really doing. If it was as simple as flying around, that'd be a jail for a couple minutes followed by a warning. If he would disobey me, he would get banned. But if it's something serious like Packet Editing, it would be a ban without warning. Packet Editing disconnects players, dupes items, lowers prices, it's beyond unfair and strictly against the rules.

If two people were fighting, what would you do? I would calmly confront them and then, I would start asking what the problem is. I would basically talk to them like I'm their friend, if they react in a very unacceptable way I would jail them for maybe 10 minutes. If I find out they were fighting over a trade, I would stop the trade. If they were fighting over a stupid reason I would separate them, I would put one in henesys and another in ellinia if they continue to argue I would jail both of them and resolve the problem in jail.

How many servers have you been a GM in? I have been a GM several times, AztecStory, CrazyStory,StonerStory,and I have been a an intern on bankaistory.

Why should we choose you? You should choose me because I would be very active, I'm a nice guy, I'm cooperative, and I have a lot of experience with this position, You should choose me because I would never abuse my power unlike a lot of people who would get hired to this position, if you hire me I guarantee you, you would regret it, I'm not trying to be cocky.

What will you do for the server? First, I want to divide this into two sections: Ingame & Outgame.
Ingame: Obviously, I will host events. Also, help newcomers fit in well, understand the functions and how the game rolls. Punish the naughty Hackers and make sure we all leave peacefully like when wolves looked after the sheeps on Noah's Ship.
Outgame: I am able to make websites, so if the server needs some kind of website for something I'd be able to make it or at least help. I could brainwash people to join UniverseMS, thus increasing the population.
There are many other things I could do like voting, being active, giving suggestions but I say these are all things everyone can do as a normal player.

How will you improve the server? I have some knowledge on website development. This is because I used to play a very awesome server and I had gotten really close to the people there. However, it was shut down and everyone was so sad. Than my friend came with the idea of "Let's make a server and bring all the people back ". Along with another friend, we were in charge of making the website and the forums. I had made the whole forums myself and some of the website. Unfortunately, the server was never opened due to some major problems and thanks to that I'm now here andd + that's when I learned how to make websites and stuff. This would improve the server a lot

Reason for Applying?
Personally, I think it'd be a lie saying wanting GM powers is not the reason. I think everyone has the bit in themselves which want to be "superior". However, it is the people who can overcome this greed that are fit to be a GM. I'm not saying I am fit for the job but I do think I will not use my powers more than necessary. Also, as it is an awesome server, it has many awesome things whilst also being a bit complicated. I'm pretty active so I could help new comers start their lives here on UniverMS. Also, I have a few event ideas I would like to try out. I REALLY REALLY like to chat with people until they have orgasms but I do not speak Brazilian or Spanish (I'm learning xD) so I wouldn't be so handy when a Brazilian or foreigner comes into the picture but I will try my best, however i can speak a bit of Italian so I think I would be able to understand European languages. I have seen a lot of people saying they are bored while I’m on. I think this is because there are different time zones and even though we have some awesome staff, about half are busy with other things and some are somewhat always feeling sleepy..Cough..lazy...cough lol jk <3 so I would host some events for our fellow Universe citizens. Lastly, when I first joined myself, I had a bit of a hard time but I was helped around and everyone got close to me every quickly. I now want to share that happiness with the future new comers by helping them as much as I can.

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-03-13

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